Diane, Uncle Adel, and me at North Jetty. Photo by Eric.
Mia, one of their dogs.
White Pelican. Photo by Eric.
White Ibis. Photo by Eric.
Tilapia in the pond behind the house. Photo by Eric.
Eric and me at North Jetty. Photo by Diane.
We visited Myakka River State Park and took a float on an airboat called the Gator Gal. Eric took a picture of the sister boat, the Myakka Maiden.
Entering Upper Myakka Lake.
Black-necked Stilt.
Great Egret with reflection. Photo by Eric.
Tilapia (which are an invasive species in Florida) build these nests.
Then, we came to the alligators. So many alligators! Photo by Eric.
Alligators floating together.
Alligators floating together.
Alligator's watchful eye.
Alligator's pointy back. Our guide, Jamie, told us that these points act as solar heat collectors to help keep the alligator warm. He also did an imitation of an alligator mating call.
Alligator's open mouth! Photo by Eric.
On to Everglades National Park.