Reviews and Feedback for "Eric in the Elevator"

"'s as funny as watching someone snort milk out zir nose. The little man jumps out of his chair clapping."

-- Dalton Graham (EitE Fan Club Shadow President)

"...there is a lot of comedy gold in them thar hills... This reviewer gives EitE two thumbs up (up where, I'm not saying...)"

-- RJ Johnson

"EitE is a thing of truth and beauty... accept the compliment, bitch."

-- Erin Lynn (does this count as "accepting the compliment"? ;-> )

" was great... worth it at twice the admission price."

-- John O'Halloran

" of the very few times I didn't mind being on film... I was having too much fun with the interview to be irritated."

-- Olivia Huber

[Your quote here]

email: eric_in_the_elevator [at-sign] zuckershack [.] org
All original material ©2003 Kosher Ham Studios and/or Eric Zuckerman. All appropriated material used with permission.